Welcome to Chanhassen
Below you will find a list of links that will provide you with more information about your new community. There is also a list of businesses that sponsor the Chanhassen Welcome Neighbor program.
Informative links:
City of Chanhassen
SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce
Chanhassen Welcome Neighbor Sponsors:
Americana Community Bank Bank 952-937-9596 website | Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Entertainment 952-934-1500 website | C.W. Modeen Painting / Garage Finishing 612-381-7999 website |
Edward Jones – Ryan Jaskinia Financial Representative 952-946-1048 website | Lakeview Clinic Medical 952-442-4461 website | Mr. Rooter Plumbing Plumbing 833-785-6698 website |
Mediacom Cable Cable & Internet 844-XTREAM1 website | Mustard Seed Landscaping & Garden Center 952-361-9954 website | Revival Saunas Sauna Rentals 952-818-2832 website |