Welcome to Cologne
Below you will find a list of links that will provide you with more information about your new community. There is also a list of businesses that sponsor the Cologne Welcome Neighbor program.
Informative link:
City of Cologne
Cologne Welcome Neighbor Sponsors:
American Family Insurance – Jeffrey Eveslage Insurance 952-442-4746 website | Chanhassen Dinner Theatre Entertainment 952-934-1500 website | Cologne Academy Education 952-466-2276 website |
C.W. Modeen Painting / Garage Finishing 612-381-7999 website | Edward Jones – Susan Pauling Financial Representative 952-442-1668 website | Holiday – Mid-County Coop Convenience Store 952-466-5657 website |
Lakeview Clinic Medical 952-442-4461 website | Mayer Lumber – Do it best! Hardware Store 952-657-2291 website | Modern Design Cabinetry 952-466-4766 website |
Mustard Seed Landscaping & Garden Center 952-361-9954 website | Norwood Dental Medical – Dental 952-467-3518 website | Revival Saunas Sauna Rentals 952-818-2832 website |
Ridgeview Medical Center Medical 952-442-2191 website | St. Boni Pet Hospital Veterinary 952-442-2191 website | Safari Island Community Center Community Center 952-442-0695 website |
State Farm – Jeff Born Insurance 952-442-5004 website | The Patriot Newspaper 952-442-4414 website | Waconia Dodge Chrysler Dealership – Automotive Services 952-442-2010 website |
Waconia Veterinary Clinic Veterinary 952-442-2119 website | Yetzer’s Home Furnishings Retail – Home Furnishings 952-442-4242 website |